The next meeting of the researchers’ association will be organized by Inserm in collaboration with a Europa Donna patient association, two LabEx (DEVweCAN and PRIMES) and a network of Space Junk art centers, will focus on cancer. Following the public scientific interventions, a question and answer session is planned to address aspects of progress Immunotherapy and non-drug pain treatments.
Meeting on Tuesday, December 5th from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

The general public meetings of the Researchers Association provide a privileged opportunity to discuss, exchange and ask your questions to our health researchers.
At the next meeting dedicated to the topic of cancer, meet with:

Session 1 – Advances in Immunotherapy
(CAR-T cell, anti-tumor immunity, tumor imaging)

  • Emmanuel BachyPU-PH with HCL-CIRILyons
  • Yenkel Grinbert-BleyerViewfinder Insert – CRCL*, Lyon
  • Samuel ValableCNRS researcher at Cyceron, Caen

Session 2 – Non-drug treatment of pain
(Effect placebomagnetic stimulation, meditation)

  • Bernard LaurentPU-PH at HCL – CRNL*, Lyon
  • Nathalie André ObadiaPH at HCL – CRNL, Lyon
  • Viviane Belleoudretired algologist, Lyon

Sessions 3 Patient associations have their say:
“10 years with patient associations”

with the associations Information and Aid for Stomates -IAS- of Lyonnais,
M Life with Lisa, the League Against Cancer and Europe Donna Lyon

Practical information

  • Date : Tuesday, December 5th from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. / Reception from 9:00 a.m
  • Location : Villeurbanne Cultural and Community Center

At registration