This is the first time she has spoken publicly about the matter. This is what MP Sandrine Josso said, accusing Senator Joël Guerriau of drugging her in order to sexually assault her Monday November 20th on France 5 have “You thought you were dying” that evening, of which she explained the process in detail. She says she is quiet “Post-trauma”.

“We can all suffer what I suffered”explained Ms. Josso, adding [son] The task is to raise awareness » At “The Scourge” chemical submission, including “We can no longer look away”.

The elected representative of the Loire Atlantique, Joël Guerriau, was indicted on Friday evening on suspicion of having drugged Sandrine Josso, MoDem MP of the same department, without his knowledge, in order to sexually abuse her, on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday his lawyer.

A withdrawal requested by Gérard Larcher

Previously, the President of the Senate, Gérard Larcher, had asked Senator Joël Guerriau to do so “withdraw from all activities related to his mandate”after his Charges against the parliamentarian.

“It is now up to Mr Joël Guerriau to assume his responsibility until the judiciary and the police can clarify the matter.”appreciates the presidency of the Senate in a press releaseemphasized “the extreme seriousness of the facts alleged against the senator and [le] “Principle of dignity associated with the exercise of parliamentary mandate”. Mr. Larcher particularly invited Mr. Guerriau “to resign from his positions as Secretary of the Senate Office and Vice Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs.”.

The Senator of Loire-Atlantique, Joël Guerriau, 66 years old, was indicted on Friday evening because he is suspected of murdering Sandrine Josso, 48 years old, MP (MoDem), elected from the same department, without his knowledge on the night of Tuesday to be drugged Wednesday. Allegations of sexual assault were denied by his lawyer.

Political sanctions

Samples revealed the presence of ecstasy in the victim’s body, a drug also found during a search of Mr. Guerriau’s home. That’s why he was charged with “use and possession of narcotics” and placed under judicial supervision, including a ban from the MP’s house.

At the same time, political sanctions fell quickly against Mr. Guerriau, who was suspended on Saturday alternately by his political party Horizons and then by his faction (Les Indépendants), both of which initiated disciplinary procedures that could lead to his expulsion.

The leader of the communist group in the Senate, Cécile Cukierman, agreed to Gérard Larcher’s request. “In order for the investigation to proceed peacefully, a withdrawal is appropriate out of respect for the complainant and out of respect for the institution. This is the least we can do without prejudicing the results of the investigation.”She said.

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