Discover the new members who have joined the network French Health Association in October :

Global Medical Instruments is a dynamic and expanding company specializing in the field of in vitro diagnostics for medical analysis laboratories. It thus ensures the promotion, distribution and maintenance of medical devices and devices. It has been recognized for its expertise and know-how in France and abroad for 10 years.

PMT (the Center for Microtechnology) is an association under the Act of 1901. A center for competitiveness since 2005, the PMT brings together and supports more than 240 industry members on a daily basis who subcontract specialties or develop high added value products. It offers them individual support with the aim of driving their business forward.

Logo JFG strategy

JFG Stratégie takes a financial stake in French healthcare companies and exports its strategic advice internationally.

French Health Association

To meet global health needs, we must now present a coordinated French offer. For this reason, on March 16, 2017, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Development launched the French Health Association.

Born as a brand, French Healthcare is now an association built both as a tool to promote the network of healthcare actors and as a tool to collectively promote French know-how.

In his approach French Health Association contributes to promoting the French vision of global health based on a humanistic approach to care and equal and fair access to health products and services.

Promoting French healthcare expertise in the broadest sense is how French Healthcare exemplifies French healthcare excellence.

Contact us by email at the following address: [email protected]

Discover the new members of the French Health Association – October