HAS At the beginning of the 2022 school year, the President of the Republic wanted to introduce a new form of public decision-making by creating a National Council for New Creation (CNR), in turn divided into as many thematic sections. A year and a reshuffle later, it is clear that the method and announcements are far from re-enchanting and building a desirable future.

On Friday October 17th, Aurore Bergé, Minister of Solidarity and Families, presented her roadmap for “aging well”. After the abandonment of the “autonomy” law in the countryside During the first five-year term, the announcements of his predecessor, who said that one could operate without the law, promised the beginning of the CNR “Aging well” was hit by a parliamentary initiative without much ambition, we waited impatiently!

The work of the famous CNR, submitted in April, was largely integrated by M. six months laterMe Mountains in its roadmap and, unsurprisingly, the suggestions that emerge from our work, particularly for the social bonding and citizenship part, are nowhere to be found. Instead, we are entitled to a catalog of measures that are often vague, poorly or not at all quantified and difficult to evaluate, mixing the duration of experiments and piling up promises of job creation that everyone knows are untenable they are not implemented in financing calculations.

Social isolation deserves breath and conviction

The whole thing gives the impression of cross-departmental work, which boils down to each consultant providing measures – most of which already exist – and filling out a catalog without much design. Old people deserve better! Better than a stack of bullets, better than this constant degradation, better than the invisibility they are promised as if they only exist to be relieved.

Why should we call on each other to dialogue, to build together and to develop proposals so that none can survive politically? Where are the proposals aimed at better representation of older French people? Or those that aim to better integrate them into the job market or even promote their skills?

Social isolation, the central struggle of the Little Brothers of the Poor, refers to the pious wish of “become a priority policy” ; This has been the case for years, although there is an obvious link between the suffering and pathologies that isolation produces and the costs incurred in treating them. Certainly the subject is not very legislative and not very regulatory, but it deserves inspiration, persuasion, incarnation.

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