Who are the members of the French Health Association, what are their export activities and how do they use the services of the French Health Association to optimize them? This is what we wanted to know by offering our members the opportunity to take part in an investigation on October 16th.

Annual renewal allows us to measure the evolution of our members’ satisfaction and obtain their opinions on the services offered during the year.

The statements collected through this survey are valuable for a better understanding of the typology of healthcare actors joining the French Health Association, but also their needs and opinions to further improve our services.

To ensure the relevance and representativeness of the results, our survey was distributed anonymously to all our members. It has been completed by almost a quarter of them and already offers several opportunities for improvement our new board, over the coming years. The questions focused on different aspects of our offering. We invite you to discover the results of this questionnaire: Which part represents the export for these members ? To what extent was the French health association able to do this? support them in their internationalization ? What do members think? of our services ?

The results of the survey on the typology and satisfaction of members of the French Health Association in 2023

From this survey we obtain important information about the areas of activity and export development of our members, as well as their satisfaction with the activities of the French Health Association.

About the French Health Association

French healthcare is an initiative of the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs since 2017 in collaboration with the ministries responsible for the economy, health and social affairs.

The 1901 Legal Association brings together French companies, health institutions and research and training institutes that want to actively participate in a collective dynamic and jointly promote their international activities.
The association’s members, from start-ups to large corporations, reflect the diversity of the French healthcare ecosystem: public and private healthcare institutions, construction companies, architecture, hospital technology, pharmaceutical industry, biotechnology, medical devices, medical technology manufacturers, medical devices, digital health players…

By promoting French healthcare expertise worldwide and working to make France attractive, the French Healthcare Association helps its members expand their network, develop new business opportunities and promote French excellence in international healthcare.
